Google Earth Assignment 3: Layers

  • Due Nov 10, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 25
  • Available until Dec 8, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Introduction: In this assignment, you will explore the various “layers” of Google Earth. The “layers” prompt is located under the “places” and “Search” prompts on the Google Earth interface.

Instructions: To complete the assignment, use the layers to view 5 places of your choosing. For each place, gather information by checking the box next to the layer you want to explore. In the following example, I have selected the “Oceans” layer to look at the Southern California Coastline. Note the icons that appear on the map when you select a layer.

 Layers displayed for Southern California

By selecting the vertical arrow next to the layer, all of the available sub layers will appear. Icons that associate to these sub layers will also appear on the map. Click on the icons to get facts, or make observations about the place you have selected.

Layer icons visible on Google Earth

Here, I clicked on the shark icon that appeared on the map, which associates to the “Animal Tracking” sub layer to find facts about animal species.


Fact screen for layer icon


To complete the assignment, select 5 places around the world. In the question prompts below, please provide the places you chose, the layer(s) you viewed for each place, and three facts or observations that you gathered from the information available via Google Earth for each of the places you selected.

The places and layers you select are totally up to you!

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