Google Earth Historical View

  • Due Nov 3, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 25
  • Available until Dec 8, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


Google Earth Lab 2

Introduction: In this exercise, we will be using Google Earth’s Historical View function to look at several places and see how their landscapes have changed over time. You will observe 5 places and answer questions about the changes you can note, according to the various pictures that Google Earth has recorded.

To access the Historical View function, click the icon that looks like a clock with an arrow in Google Earth’s toolbar.




After you have turned on Historical View, use the arrows on the functions scroll bar to view aerial photos taken at various times. Each white like in the scroll bar represents a different photo. Note: locations have different photos taken at different times.

The instructions will also ask you to view Google Earth at certain eye altitudes (eye elevations). You can adjust this feature by zooming in and out, and you can see your eye altitude at bottom right hand part of the screen.



Instructions: Enter the prompts in the following questions into Google Earth’s search bar, then use the Historical View function to answer the questions.

For questions 1-5: Type “Imperial Valley College” into the search bar and enter it. Google Earth will take you to IVC with an eye elevation of 3,221 ft. Zoom out to an eye elevation of 5,000 ft, then turn on Historical View by clicking its icon. 

For questions 6-10: Turn off Historical View and enter “Shenzhen,” into the search bar. Zoom to an eye altitude of 38 miles, and turn Historical View back on. 

For questions 11-15: Turn off Historical view and enter “Aral Sea” into the search bar. Turn on Historical View, you should be at an eye altitude of 370 miles.

For questions 16-20: Turn Historical View off and enter the coordinates 63 12 46 N, 45 12 53 W into the search bar, and view at an eye altitude of 700 miles.

For questions 21-25: Enter a location/place of your choosing and observe it with Historical View.

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